Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Samples are available.

Today, I happy to announce that Preserved Flower Samples are available at Publika Shopping Centre. 

Preserved Flowers are still very new here and not many people actually see and touch them. 
Now you can see the actual samples at the address below. 

Coffee In Love/ Dragonfly Tattoo ( near money changer ) 

77A, Level UG, Publika Shopping Centre. 


Monday, 22 April 2013

Ho'oponopono - Feel it!

my favorite video--anytime of the day!
it is really a magical word. try this for a day,
you feel more energetic and optimistic which we often need...
after our short tea break...


Friday, 19 April 2013

Hi everyone!! 

 I am just checking out on Preserved Flowers in internet. 
but there are not many info there for me and where 
we can buy etc.

I will do check on these and wanna share in my blog! 

To start with.... 

What is the "Preserved Flowers"? 

I found some links to check it out... 


In overseas, Preserved Flowers are very popular for shop displays, gifts etc. 
Do we see them in Malaysia?? 

that will be the next thing I am going to check it out!!!
