Do you know Preserved Flowers has many colour choices?
During the preservation process, carefully processed flowers will be coloured just like the photo above.
Here is 35 different colours!!!
In Nature, we have more colours to choose from, but not easy to match the size and colour for creative works.
I feel, this is the perfect materials for making the best creative arrangements.
Wedding.... is the one of them. I can think of many areas to use for.
The best is, of course, wedding bouquet. We have the nice light blue, for brides to have.
You can Pre-booked, and no last minute surprise.
From the point that looking for something to keep from the special day,
A "Ring Pillow" would be the perfect choice!!
Texture and look are just like fresh one, and you can keep it as your memorial.
Soon, I will upload the series of the collection.